
EL SUEÑO HOTEL + SPA or EL SUEÑO HOTEL and SPA, S. de R. L. de C. V., with domicile in the street 9 East, Number 12, Col. Center, ZIP code 72000, in Puebla, Pue., with telephones (01 222 232-64-89) and (01 222 232-64-23) and electronic page, as person in charge of obtaining his personal information, as well as of his use and protection, and in strict fulfillment with arranged by the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Information in Possession of the Individuals, his Regulation and the Limits of the Notice of Privacy does of his knowledge the following thing:

I. Personal information that will be obtained, used, stored and Protected:

(i) Name, (ii) Telephone, (iii) Direction, (iv) Origin, (v) E-mail, (vi) Signs, (vii) In case of needing invoice: Key of the Federal Record of Contributors (RFC) and Fiscal Domicile, (viii) In case of paying with card of Credit / debit: information of the account, (ix) Information of official identification (in his I marry) and (x) video Images recorded by safety chambers. Additional him it informs that with base in the technology used in Production of our page of Internet, whenever it deposits her, and for Statistical ends, the following one remains registered in a temporary way Information: his service provider, the operating system that it uses, Mariner by means of whom it connects to our page, the city and the country in The one that is and the language that it uses to sail in Internet.

II. Purpose of the treatment of the personal information.

Necessary for the existence, maintenance and fulfillment of the presentation of our services: (i) To receive his reservations, (ii) To issue the corresponding invoice / voucher, (iii) To provide our services, (iv) Follow-up to the presentation of our services, (v) To attend to his requests / comments and (vi) the video recording and circuit closed for the supervision or monitoring for safety questions. The images remain for a certain period and later they resign, without no type of support be generating. Not necessary for the existence, maintenance and fulfillment of the presentation of our services:

(i) Recibir sus reservaciones, (ii) Emitir la factura/comprobante correspondiente, (iii) Proveer nuestros servicios, (iv) Seguimiento a la prestación de nuestros servicios, (v) Atender sus solicitudes/comentarios y (vi) Video grabación y circuito cerrado para la supervisión o monitoreo por cuestiones de seguridad. Las imágenes se conservan por un periodo determinado y posteriormente se borran, sin generarse ningún tipo de respaldo. No necesarias para la existencia, mantenimiento y cumplimiento de la prestación de nuestros servicios:

__ __ advertising or promotions of the company To send Him.

Yes Not

Repeal of the assent.

In case you want to revoke his assent for the treatment of His personal information for considering that someone of the purposes before Described they are not necessary, one will be able to make it at any time sent E-mail to: or requesting it for Writing in the described domicile previously. The request by means of which it revokes his assent for the treatment of His personal information it will have to indicate:

1. Name of the holder and domicile or another way to communicate to him the response to his request; for example: e-mail;

2. To accredit by means of documents his identity (for example: elector's credential, passport, another official identification) or, in his case, that of his legal representative (public instrument or letter to be able signed before two witnesses) The original ones will have to appear to be able to receive the response;

3. Purpose on the treatment of his information that he considers to be unnecessary.

In a maximum term of 20 working days one will attend to his request as long as it there does not prevent a legal disposition relative to the requirements to grant our services to him and the response will be announced by means of the way indicated in his request.

Options and means to limit the use or spreading of the personal information.

You will be able to limit the use or spreading of his personal information on the part of EL SUEÑO HOTEL + SPA or EL SUEÑO HOTEL and SPA, S. de R. L. de C. V. by means of the following procedure: When it receives information by means of e-mail or telephone, it will have to demonstrate it in this moment or order in any time an e-mail to in order that it is given of fall of an immediate way of the corresponding lists.

III. The rights ARCO. (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition)

There is done of his knowledge that you have at all time the right of To accede to his personal information that we possess, as well as to rectifying them when Be inaccurate or need that they are updated, also it will be able to instruct us To cancel them when he thinks that they turn out to be excessive or unnecessary for the purposes that justified his obtaining, or for the ending of the relation that originated it, and to being opposed to the treatment of the same ones for specific ends.

For the exercise of the above mentioned rights it will have to present a request in free writing before the operative management of the hotel, same that is the person in charge of the protection of the personal information, across the e-mail or directly in our facilities located in street 9 East, Number 12, Col. Center, ZIP code 72000, in Puebla, Pue., with telephones of contact (01 222 232-64-89) and (01 222 232-64-23).

His request will have to expire with the following requirements: 1. To provide the name of the holder and domicile or another way to report to him The response to his request, for example: e-mail; 2. To accredit by means of documents his identity (for example: credential of Elector, passport, another official identification) or, in his case, her of his Legal representative (public instrument or letter to be able signed before two Witnesses) The original ones will have to appear to be able to receive the response; 3. The clear and precise description of the personal information I concern of that Someone of the rights seeks to exercise ARCH; 4. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal information, and 5. If it requests rectification of his personal information, it will have to indicate Modifications to realizing and contributing the documentation that sustains the request.

His request will be attended in a maximum term of 20 working days, counted from the date in which the same one was received, and the decision will be done of his knowledge by means of the route that you indicate in his request. In case his request is proceeding, it will become effective inside 15 working days following the notification of the response. The period before above-mentioned will be able to be extended an alone time by an equal period, as long as it is justified by the circumstances of the specific case.

If his request was in exercise of the right of access, the information or the personal information Requested will put to his disposition in the described domicile previously, and in case of needing it; previous identification will deliver him Information in simple copies.

In case his request does not proceed, there will be notified he, in the period Established, the motives of the denial, accompanying, in his case, the tests pertinent.

IV Transfer of his personal information.

There is done of his knowledge that with foundation in arranged by the articles 36 and 37 of the Law of the matter, his information can be transferred inside and out of the United States of Mexico to authorities. The purpose of the transfer will be to expire with our legal obligations. For the case of transfers or requirements on the part of some authority, the personal information will put at the disposal of these in agreement with what they establish the applicable procedure.

V. Modifications to the notice of privacy.

We save ourselves the right to effect at any time modifications or Updates to the present notice of privacy, for the attention to innovations Legislative, policies or internal procedures or new requirements for Presentation of our services. The above mentioned modifications will make know in an opportune way by means of announcements Visible in the facilities and / or Internet page of EL SUEÑO HOTEL + SPA or EL SUEÑO HOTEL and SPA, S. de R. L. de C. V.

VI. You Complain and Denunciations.

If you think that his right of protection of personal information has been damaged by our actions or answers, it will be able to interpose the complaint or corresponding denunciation before the INAI, for major information visit

Date of the notice: on March 16, 2017